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your guide for the creative healing process


I have over 30 years of experience treating anxiety, depression, and trauma. My background in the financial industries, business/executive consulting, professional training, exercise physiology, nutrition and wellness education gives me access to more tools to address the whole person-body, mind, and spirit. My personal journey from commercial lending to psychotherapy unfolded as I hit places of difficulty in my path and learned to listen to my inner voice with less self-criticism and more self-compassion. I believe that self-compassion is one of the answers to our failed self-esteem movement. Research shows that we are much more successful changing our damaging mind sets and behaviors when we intentionally add self-compassion to our awareness. I also feel strongly that much of our healing happens in relationship. The quality of our connections to our families, partners, business colleagues, friends, and acquaintances, strongly determines our happiness. We all tend to project whatever we have not tended within ourselves onto others or personalize their projections. I provide an encouraging, confidential,  and challenging place for individuals and businesses to grow so that life's waves become easier to ride. 


Over the phone or online

If you would like more information or to schedule an appointment, contact me here:

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Contact  |  423-894-3234  |  113 Stringer Street, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37405


Important Terms of Use and Disclaimer: This website, including its content, is a resource for general information purposes only and is not psychotherapy, a substitue for psychotherapy, or any other type of medical advice. As such, this website, including its content, does not establish a psychotherapist-client relationship, and no medical or healthcare information may be submitted by site users. Please consult your psychotherapist or other healthcare professional for advice. Julie L. Brown is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the states of Tennessee and Georgia and an artist. She is not a Certified Art Therapist.

|  Copyright © 2024 Julie L. Brown, LPC, MHSP all rights reserved.


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